Thanks to you, I was already positioned right for what looks like an
"overdue" correction. Even though your Daily ETFs feature normally
holds stocks, long or short, for only a few days, you STUCK by your
recognitiion that the Nasdaq was Over-Bought. As a longtime Timing Cube
subscriber, I see the Nasdaq as the most influential of the major stock
indexes, so I knew that any shortterm BUY signal you might issue for SPY or
DIA would be less important than a continuing short of QQQQ; in a
correction, the others would follow or accompany the Q's.
Plus, you DID tell your subscribers to check the futures before the regular
market opened!! You ALSO warned us about loading up too much on new long
stock positions!! Finally, there was the fact that not many new breakouts
have been occurring!! 2/27/07
I find the work you do very useful, at a reasonable price. I don't have the
interest or inclination to find these stocks on my own. I review you
recommendations and buy about 80% of the time. That's a pretty good record.
If we get a few winners, that's all we need. At 5 to 10 dollars a trade I
don't mind going in and out. That sure beats the $100 a buy I used to have
to pay the people at Merrill Lynch 2/16/06
emailed last week and I cannot remember your name. Sorry about that. I’m
writing to tell you that I’ve never experienced the quality of stock
picking that I have in the brief amount of time I’ve been with your
service. I signed up right before the new year and since then it’s been a
dozen straight wins without a single loss below maybe a tenth of a percent
(excluding the weekly ETF signals). My only regret is not finding you
sooner. I’ve thrown away a lot of cash on silly trading systems and
expensive brokers to run them only to come out way down. Anyhow, I’ll stop
rambling and encourage you to keep taking names. 1/12/06
I just want to express my deepest appreciation
for your service. I've been a day trader for the past few months and
have tried various systems on the market to time potential
profitable trades. None, with the exception of yours has consistently
made me money. The watch list you put out has time-and-time again made
me money. Outstanding! The service is to the point, I take your
stock information enter into my trade system place the alert and forget
about it. Once an alert goes off I double check the stock, volume, market
and place a trade. In addition, your pivot points you suggest also
taught me what to look for with respect to entering and exiting a
trade. So far no losses. 2/2/05
You run the best stock market service on this
planet. It is the easiest to follow, most timely, and worthwhile advisory
service I have ever subscribed in the past 20 years.
I can't tell you hoe much I appreciate
your understanding of the importance of breakouts from proper bases. I also
appreciate the fact that you don't spend page after page on worthless advice
about why this or that happened. You tell us which stocks to watch, at which
price to buy and give a target to be achieved. Great job. I
don't act on every recommendation you suggest because of volume minimums I
adhere to. Some that I miss because of this go on to be winners, however I
feel more confident in being able to close a position promptly and at a
minimal spread on higher volume stocks. I
love your service. Keep up the good work. 9/7/04
- Your service is bar none the best value for quality information I've found
to date. Keep up the great work and know that it is admired and
APPRECIATED by those of us who support your efforts with our glad
payments. 7/22/04
- In my opinion your site provides more useable investment leads than many
other sites 2/21/04
- I bought ALDN at $9.70 after it was on your 1/8/04 daily
breakout report. It closed today at $17.00. I just keep raising
the stop limit order to protect the gains. 2/12/04
- I just want to thank you for your clear and
concise commentary. 2/12/04
- I
really enjoy your service and have benefited from it. 2/7/04
- First I want you to know that I think you have one of the best websites I have seen. My friend and I comment at least once a week on how professional you site is, and the advisory e-mails we get from you.
If you were to double, even triple the price of your service, I would gladly pay it. I am a big fan of yours. I like the money you are making for me.
- Since I
have joined, you have lead me to several winners! And so, I thank you! 8/28/03
- You have a nice site here and I really like your
Market Analysis e-mails. 8/26/03
- I want to take the opportunity to THANK YOU for your hard work and clever
research analysis. 7/26/03
- I just wanted to thank you for your dedication, assertiveness, and good advice to us, the small
investors. I do believe I will continue learning and investing in medium and small cap companies at Amateur-Investors.com. 5/23/03
- I was just amazed this week by your Stocks to Watch List. Even if the indices were slowly declining most of your selected
stocks broke out. 3/28/03
- Thanks again for your perspective. I have come to appreciate your service more and more over time.
- Thank you so much for shedding light in shorting or holding
stock. It is really relief to know exactly when to lock profit or short. 2/15/03
Thanks for your prompt and thoughtful help. I am already liking your
service. 1/3/03
- Thank you for providing the Weekend Analysis emails. I
look forward to reading them every week and find they are usually more on target
than the talking heads at CNBC. 12/29/02
- Thanks for keeping up the good work and helping sort through the chaff to get at the kernels of fact and truth about this falling market. 7/11/02
- Just wanted you to know I'm a big believer in your strategy, but I had problems finding good stocks. You do a great job in finding
them. Thanks, keep up the good work. 7/9/02
- I find you’re industry ranking approach, to pick stocks in strong industry groups, very useful. 6/24/02
- Many thanks for your much appreciated reply to my query on SSYS a couple of months ago. You cautioned me about
buying the stock and that message saved me from a costly mistake. 4/16/02
- Just emailing you on congratulations on a fine web site. I found your day trading tutorials very informative and helpful in understanding the stock market. 4/1/02
- Hey you have been right on the money lately with your insightful commentary on the market, especially valuable are your comments re the VIX. 1/31/02
- Your twice a week updates on the technical condition of the major averages are very good. I still remember your amazing call on Bradley Pharmaceuticals (BPRX) when it was only about $2!
Coinstar (CSTR), was another great pick. 1/20/02
- Your comments are always "spot on" (as my British colleague would say) and give me excellent guidance. 1/7/02
- A friend of mine at work mentioned that he signed up a several weeks ago with your service and also gave your site to others. Also in this tough market environment I have done very well with many of your recommendations. 11/20/01
- Keep up the good work and thanks for the many updates. 8/15/01
- Although recent market conditions have made it next to impossible to chart and predict, I still believe you offer enough data and analysis that given a more stable market presents me with an opportunity to turn some gains. 8/12/01
- Your service is a steadying,solid input for me as we go thru this crazy market...Thanks.. 7/28/01
- Thanks again for your continued solid advice. I mention your service whenever anyone asks my advise on the
message boards I follow. Many of the people on that board and I are trying to learn
on their own would do well to pay just a little and get your good advise. However, many don't understand yet how little they know and more importantly who they can trust. This unfortunately comes only with time. 6/17/01
- I am a current subscriber to your service and find it very helpful. I want to give my son a gift subscription to this service. 6/5/01
- I’m impressed with your Mid Week analysis. It’s like having a bonus page. 5/8/01
- I signed up for your service Monday night, read the last Weekend Analysis, put in a pivot point and volume alert for GTSI, and bought it on heavy volume first thing Tuesday morning. Thank you!
- I studied your picks on Saturday and decided on PECS-Nasdaq. It exploded. I bought in at 15.49 and so far at 9:45 this morning it is at 21.88. 5/2/01
- I am pleased I signed up with your site so far. I have followed your advice and have been very pleased. You said weeks ago that we had not probably reached a bottom and you were certainly correct. As a starting investor I am only playing with a couple of thousand dollars. 3/18/01
- Your site continues to be the principal source of analysis that I rely on ....Thanks for making it what it has become. 2/17/01
- Your methods of reading stocks with charts has helped me understand some movements in the market or certain stocks. Thanks...you are running a good show! 2/13/01
- I eagerly read your newsletters twice weekly and appreciate the straightforward and thorough analysis you continue to convey. 1/14/01
- I am in the process of understanding the stock market and it is only recently that I have had a lot of interest and I am trying to find the best method of investing using fundamentals and technical analysis. By the way your web site is very informative. 1/9/01
- I spend time digesting the charts and have found them to be most informative. 1/6/01
- Thanks for your guidance during this particularly volatile and trying year. Have a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. 12/30/00
- Thanks for your recent suggestion on TARO, I purchased at $17 and it is now trading at $21, Also purchased IMA at $22 and it is at $26. 10/24/00
- Congratulations for a good job. My feeling is that someday you will be a star in the investment game that will make it hard for us to reach you. 10/13/00